This piece was also accepted into GFAA's first annual Juried Florida Artists Exhibition, on display in the President's Hall Gallery at Santa Fe College in Gainesville through 5 March 2009.
A lovely young friend had invited me to share her special time while she prepared for the senior prom. As her normally straight hair was released from the confines of curlers and fell about her shoulders, I was fascinated with the way the graceful draping of her formal dress both complemented and differed from the freshly coiffed curls. An unusual look for a portrait, but one I could not resist! The challenge of modulating values in charcoal to render hair, skin and drapery successfully was simply something I had to try. As the piece evolved, I decided to introduce the suggestion of a tattoo (something this very proper young woman would most certainly never have had!), taking the piece in a different direction, raising questions and challenging assumptions. Why is her face hidden from view? Where is she? What or whom is she looking at? Who is she? How old is she? Why does she have a seemingly incongruous tattoo? Or, does it really suit her perfectly? Is she really a she? Unless she turns around, we can only speculate -- and decide for ourselves!